
Monday, June 22, 2015

Fighting trafficking with data

Barry Koch, formerly a managing director at JP Morgan and now chief compliance officer of Western Union, recalls that JP Morgan’s Financial Intelligence Unit first approached human trafficking through a data-driven lens. “With public domain information and law enforcement partnerships, we realized that we could design financial models that would produce correlations in the data that were red flags for trafficking.” The team partnered with the United States Department of Homeland Security to create typologies to identify financial transactions and account attributes that were worth investigating....

Certain geographic locations and types of businesses – nail salons, non-unionized stores, restaurants – were viewed as a higher risk for trafficking activity, based on publicly sourced information. Coupled with the types of transactions – credit card charges at certain hours of the night, for example – JP Morgan’s Financial Intelligence Unit began to see distinct patterns emerging.

Read the rest of this article here...

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Infographic: Undercover Operations

Infographic: The process of targeted undercover operations to free sex slaves. Regular people like us can help anti-trafficking organizations do this...

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Child-care worker exposed as the boss of a international paedophile ring

A child welfare worker who led a secret life as the defacto boss of a paedophile syndicate was caught after international authorities caught a group member overseas. Former Families SA employee Shannon McCoole, 32, faced court in Adelaide on Friday over his role in operating a website contained more than 50,000 images of child porn he believed was ‘helping’ other paedophiles.

Australian police discovered McCoole’s organisation with the help of European police in May 2014, shortly before he was arrested for offences against seven children, six of whom were in his care, according to News Corp Australia.

Families SA is part of the Australia Department for Education and Child Development.

Read the story here: